Making The Leap Registration Form 2024-25
Thank you for your interest in Making The Leap! To register for our services, please complete our registration form.
Please answer each question honestly. To help you answer the questions, we have provided explanations in italics.
Your information will be stored securely in compliance with GDPR, and will only be accessed by the Making The Leap team. We will use this information to contact you about Making The Leap services, and to help us understand more about the young people we are reaching.
If you have any questions, please contact the Engagement Team via 0208 9621900 (available Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm). |
First Name: * |
Last Name: * |
Mobile: * |
Email Address: * |
Date of Birth: * |
Day:Month:Year: |
How would you describe your gender?: * |
I prefer to self-describe my gender: |
How would you describe your ethinicity?: * |
I Prefer to self-describe my ethnicity: |
Your Postcode: * |
Which Local Authority do you live in? * |
Do you consider yourself to have any of the following condition(s) or disabilities? |
Other Health Condition: |
Next, we'd like to ask you some questions about your background.
This information helps us to understand whether you are eligible for Making The Leap services.
Please answer these questions as fully as you can. If you don't know the answer to a question, please select "I don't know". |
Which of the following options best describes your experience when you were aged 11 to 16? * |
Were you eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) at any point when you were at school? * |
Are you the first in your family to go to university?: * |
Have you ever been in care? * |
This may include experiences of living with a foster family, in a children's home, in a supported housing service, or under another arrangement agreed with a social worker. |
Do you consider yourself to be from a single-parent family? * |
Have you ever experienced homelessness? * |
This may include past or present experiences of living on the streets, sofa-surfing, staying in a hostel, night shelter or B&B, squatting, living in poor conditions that affect your health, living apart from your family because you don't have a place to live together. |
What was the occupation of your main household earner when you were aged about 14? * |
By "main household earner", we mean the parent, guardian or carer who earned the most money in your household.
Please select the option that includes the closest description of what this person did for a job when you were aged about 14.
If they claimed Jobseeker’s Allowance or other unemployment benefits for over a year, please select ‘Long-term unemployed’. |
Do you have any of the following qualifications? * |
Other Qualification: |
Do you have any criminal convictions? * |
This information helps us to understand whether you will require tailored support when finding jobs. |
Criminal convictions details: |
If Yes, Enter Here |
Do you have a full UK driving license? * |
Do you have any penalty points on your driving license? * |
Are you eligible to work in the UK? * |
Do you require a Work Permit or Visa to work in the UK? |
This information is required for some of our job opportunities. If you do not know or would prefer not to say, you may be asked to provide this information at a later date. |
What is your National Insurance Number? |
This information is required for some of our job opportunities. If you do not have access to your National Insurance Number now, you may leave this blank. However, you may be asked to provide this information at a later date. |
What employment, education and training opportunities are you currently looking for? |
Other Employment Type: |
Which of the following statements describes your previous work history? |
Other Work History: |
What type of roles are you currently looking for?: |
If you do not currently know or you are open please share. |
Lastly, we'd like to ask you some questions about any specific needs when using our services, and how you found us. |
Do you have any special dietary requirements? * |
Other Dietary Requirements: |
Do you have any food allergies or intolerances? * |
Other Allergies: |
Making The Leap is able to pay travel costs for some of the young people who attend our workshops. Is this something you need? * |
Please provide the full name of someone we can contact in an emergency: * |
Please enter your emergency contact's mobile number. * |
What is your emergency contact's relationship to you? * |
How did you hear about us? * |
Referral Contact: |
I confirm that the personal details I have provided are true, and I understand that I may become ineligible from Making The Leap services if any of the details provided are found to be false. If I use Making The Leap services, I agree to provide Making The Leap with full details of any future employment secured. I understand that I may become ineligible for future Making the Leap services if I fail to do this. I give consent for Making The Leap to report my employment outcomes to funders and other audiences. I understand that my outcomes will be reported anonymously unless I give explicit permission for outcomes to be linked to me. I understand that my data will be collected and stored in compliance with GDPR requirements, as outlined in Making The Leap's Privacy Policy. |
Declaration: * |
By checking this box, you agree to receiving future marketing emails: |