Even after graduating from university, Nkem was finding securing a good job difficult. A friend recommended Making The Leap to him, and soon he was enrolled in the ACE workshop. The lessons taught at Making The Leap including attitudes towards life, the importance of setting goals, writing CVs and live interview practice had a significant impact on Nkem who felt unprepared in these matters as he had not been taught them in school. Nkem then enrolled in the finance/professional services training and applied for a Higher Apprenticeship with PwC. Unfortunately, he narrowly missed out on being made an offer for this position, however with the encouragement and support of Making The Leap he applied for a second time and was able to secure the job offer at PwC in Consulting that he had wanted for so long.

“My journey with Making The Leap has been an unforgettable one and I cannot thank them enough for teaching me so many things. There have been plenty of highs, for example, being invited to Buckingham Palace as an ambassador of Making the Leap and meeting Prince Andrew. There have been lows, when I didn’t get the job the first time round. I have my ideal job now, but despite this, I know that the hard work has only just begun and I am looking forward to it. I have no intentions of resting on my laurels, because I know that the best way for me to repay those who have supported me is to succeed in my role. I will always be grateful that Making The Leap gave me an opportunity that will allow me to start a real career”.