
– Founder

I am a Londoner born and bred and grew up in Acton. I know quite a few people who have achieved great things, from our humble origins, but equally many more who had the talent but not the support systems to maximise their potential. My experiences have undoubtedly influenced a lot of my thinking and my passion for changing lives.

Being at Making The Leap from the beginning, I still remember being in one room, with three desks and no computers. So much has changed since then, but the essence of my job is still the same: to lead the organisation and to take ultimate responsibility for how we fare. It’s been a challenging but incredibly rewarding journey for me personally.

Since being here I’ve completed a Masters at UCL, received an OBE in 2008 and met many amazing people. I am thrilled to be a part of this charity, I know that the staff really care about young people and are so professional and hardworking. In 28 years there are so many outstanding stories, so many young lives changed, that it is impossible to choose one. Something recent though, of which I’m exceptionally proud, was being an observer at the inaugural Fellows Board.

Seeing seven of our young people, who had begun their professional careers, come back and give up their free time and be part of their first ever board meeting, caused me to shed tears of joy. It was so poignant and summed up everything we do at Making The Leap.

Tunde Banjoko OBE

A fun fact about me:

I won a borough-wide poetry competition at the age of 10, but never developed my talent, I’m now thinking of taking up creative writing as a hobby. I love football and that’s why I’m a Tottenham Hotspur season ticket holder.

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