The 2.6 Challenge

The 2.6 Challenge

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in thousands of fundraising events being cancelled or postponed, which has ultimately had a devastating impact on many charities as they are faced with a loss of income – an income that they desperately need.  The London Marathon...
Introducing MTLZA!

Introducing MTLZA!

We are delighted to share with you news of our newly launched website,, designed to focus on engaging directly with our young people in their individual journeys to a career. But don’t worry, is not going anywhere!   Here at Making The Leap, we...


Sameeha Editorial Features Apprentice Sameeha became a Fellow in 2017, and joined the Fellows Board in 2018. ‘My time at Making The Leap was an absolutely essential period in my life. It not only taught me how to navigate the working world, but it taught me so much...


Tanzina Commercial Property Paralegal Tanzina became a Fellow in 2016, and joined the Fellows Board in 2017 ‘Making The Leap was an eye opening experience for me. It exposed me to the different avenues I could pursue to work in the corporate field. It showed me...

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